joi, 17 septembrie 2009

Ura, dragoste si frustrare

De ceva vreme m-am inscris in forumul pasionatilor de muzica lui Cohen ( Il citeam de mult, dar m-am hotarat mai greu. Imi facea placere sa citesc parerile celorlalti despre concerte, despre el, despre viata si relatii umane.
In ultimii ani, s-au organizat intalniri intre fani, in diferite colturi ale lumii (Edmonton, Berlin, Hydra...), iar anul viitor va fi organizata o intalnire la Cracovia. Un oras medieval despre care am auzit multe, dar pe care nu l-am vizitat niciodata. M-am inscris si eu in grupul de participanti - e drept, e mult pana la anul in august, dar intotdeauna e bine sa iti planifici ceva pentru viitor, ceva care sa te mobilizeze, sa iti dea energie, sa te ajute sa te implici.
Pe langa frumusetea orasului in sine, Cracovia inseamna si apropierea de Auschwitz si Birkenau. Pata cea mai neagra din trecutul recent al unei omeniri si-asa foarte patate. Cred ca voi merge acolo, cu smerenie, ca om, din respect si durere pentru ce se poate intampla oricand, oricui, oriunde.
Cei de pe forum au, desigur, pareri impartite. Unii vor sa cunoasca istoria, altii nu. Unii vor sa viziteze lagarele mortii, altii nu. Fiecare are dreptul sa aleaga. Dar astazi am citit un mesaj venit de la cineva din Australia, care isi justifica refuzul prin ura - nu fata de evrei, ci fata de "crimele odioase comise de britanici".
Mi s-a parut oribil. Nu de ura este nevoie - exista si-asa destula, prea multa chiar, peste tot in lume. Asa ca am scris si eu cate ceva, despre ura, dragoste si frustrare. Un fragment urmeaza aici:

"Having a strong position about a topic - any topic - is reasonable and this has to be respected. But using death as a pretext to express personal frustrations against any nation – and doing it NOW, in the 21st century, is too much.

This is a community that places love before anything else – love of music, love of the Other, love as a healer, love as a binder of communities. I think that what brought us all together is our love and respect for Leonard Cohen and his music. Expressed in different ways - through words, paintings, sculptures, attitudes, music, memorabilia, friendship or other – but all just as honorable. Each of us has a different way of building something, inside ourselves or outside, on the foundation of this common point called Leonard Cohen.
Yes, some of us want to see the death camps with our own eyes. It may come from a sense of duty, from the mind, from the heart, from curiosity, from fear that it may happen again, from our desire for peace, from our sense of justice, from a sense of community with people we never knew and – dear God! – we might never have heard about, if Hitler had managed to finish his job.

There is enough hatred in this world today. People and communities have no time to bother about others. And they do not want to be bothered with other people’s problems, either. Injustice is something we live with every day. From a husband or wife, from a boss, from a president, from an extreme right or extreme left party, from things we want to do and can’t, from things others want us to do and we won’t, from heavy traffic, from lack of money, from thieves, violators, ethnic groups that we do not feel comfortable with, newspapers, television, biased talk shows, Jerry Springer, Le Pen, Mao (I know that he is dead, of course), Napoleon, the Inquisition, the Pope, Vietnam, fundamentalism, the British Empire, the Russian Empire, slavery (by the way, it was not the British who invented it!), soldiers, tyrants, illnesses, money….

No, Greg, it is not the dead who want us to suffer. It is us who induce that suffering – preferably to others. Sometimes this pain is physical, and sometimes it comes from words. There must have been some terrible blows that you have suffered in your life so far, if you are so willing to hurt others in turn.
Think again if you expect to wake up tomorrow with a smile on your face. There will be none. Or maybe just a faint one, to keep face..."

Am uitat sa spun ca textul este in engleza - ca si celelalte, caci engleza continua sa fie o limba care uneste. Ciudat, cat de multe lucruri ar putea uni oamenii, si totusi ele sunt primele pretexte pentru a ramane departe unii de altii.
Ura, dragoste si frustrare - doar trei dintre fatetele unei vieti de om.

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